Cancel or Reschedule
When event is less than five days out, mark events canceled instead of deleting them. If event more than five days out, delete the listing. After you've made a change to calendar, email the requestor, and copy Bedework calendar administrator.
Canceling Events​
- Select “canceled” radio button.
- Replace description with “This event is canceled.”
Deleting Events​
Delete events from the calendar if:
- Duplicate entries - If an event listing is a duplicate, delete the extra instance.
- Holidays / Closed Days
- Event falls during a period library is closed.
- Approvers should delete all event listings that fall on holidays / closed days before approving.
Do not delete an event if:
- Event canceled, event publicized in print. Instead, mark the event canceled.
- Event occurs in less five days.
Rescheduled Events​
- If event was canceled and has been rescheduled, leave the original marked canceled. Duplicate event for the rescheduled date. Note the new date/time in the description of the original. It may be helpful to search backward in time in the calendar for the original listing.
Extended Closure​
During the period when we are not offering any in-person events, for a period longer than two weeks:
- Delete in-person events from Bedework for the affected period. We will no longer mark these as canceled.
- Add a single event to Bedework for each affected day. Event title will be “CANCELED: In-Person Library Events Canceled”
- Add virtual event offerings to Bedework. Staff should follow event listing guidelines that have been newly-added to NPL Style Guide and Bedework User Manual. During the period when we offer both in-person AND streaming events:
- Mark canceled in-person events in Bedework as “canceled.”
- When canceling an event, put “Canceled:” at the start of the event title. This will ensure that patrons looking at calendar widgets will see that an event is canceled.
Cancel or Update​
When do we mark an event canceled vs just updating the existing event listing with new info? No different than usual.
- Room Change: If an event moves from in-person to online and date/time is the same, we’ll update the existing event listing to add virtual event details so patrons can connect. Essentially, the “room” changed from IN to Facebook. For this to work, we need “online” or “virtual” somewhere in the title.
- Canceled: If the event is totally canceled and isn’t just moving online, we’ll mark the event canceled, or delete.
- Time Change Only: If an event moves from in-person to online and the date is the same but the time changes, we update the existing event listing with new info.
- Date Change (or Date/Time both change): If an event moves to a different dayIf an event moves from in-person to online and the date/time is different (or event moves to a different time or day).