Catalog Promo#
Use a Catalog Promo to recommend a single title. The component includes a large Place Hold button.
Add a Catalog Promo#
Search for your item in the catalog.
Find the Grouped Work ID. It is found in several places.
- In the URL of the web page, find the Grouped Work ID (the set of numbers and letters immediately following “GroupedWork/” which is highlighted in the image below). Copy the Grouped Work ID.
- If you don’t see the words “GroupedWork” in the URL, scroll down the page until you see “Staff View” and expand that box. Copy the Grouped Work ID.
- If you’re promoting an On Order item, you can find the Grouped Work ID in the staff view section as well.
- In the URL of the web page, find the Grouped Work ID (the set of numbers and letters immediately following “GroupedWork/” which is highlighted in the image below). Copy the Grouped Work ID.
Add the Catalog Promo component to your content area.
Fill out the form:
- Title: Type the title of Book / Movie / CD, etc.
- Record ID: Paste in the Grouped Work ID you copied from the catalog.
- Author: Type the Author in the author field. If there’s more than one author, click “add another item” to add a second author.
Save your page and review the catalog promo. Make sure it looks good, the links work, and that there are no typos.